Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dana Sutta

~ Dana Sutta ~

There are three factors of a donor, and

There are three factors of a recipient…

What are the three factors of the donor?

First: before giving, the donor should be glad at heart.

Second: while giving, the donor’s mind should be bright & clear.

Third: after giving, the donor should be gratified.

These are the three factors of the donor.

What are the three factors of the recipient?

First: the recipient should be free of passion

or they should be sincerely practicing for the subjugation of passion.

Second: the recipient should be free of aversion 
or they should be sincerely practicing for the subjugation of aversion.

Third: the recipient should be free of delusion 
or they should be sincerely practicing for the subjugation of delusion.

These are the three factors of the recipient.

…Such are the three factors of the donor, and

Such are the three factors of the recipient.

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