Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Great Skill ~ Useless Mind

~ Great Skill – Useless Mind ~

After having won every archery contest,

the local champion went to visit a nearby Zen master.

“I am the best of all”, he said to the master. 
“I didn’t study meditation; never sought help from the monks; 
and succeeded in becoming the finest archer in the whole region. 
I heard that, for a time, you were the best archer in the land. 
So, I ask you, “was it necessary to become a monk in order to learn to shoot?”

“No”, replied the Zen master.

But the champion was not satisfied.
'And so, he placed an arrow in his bow, fired it and hit a cherry tree that was very far away.

Smiling, he said, “I doubt you could do that.

You might have saved your time and devoted yourself to only practicing technique 
instead of leading such an austere life of meditation.”

Without looking the least bit perturbed, the master went inside and fetched his bow. 
He then began walking towards a nearby mountain. 
On the way, there was a deep gorge, 
which could only be crossed by an old bridge made of rotting rope, 
which was on the verge of collapsing. 
The Zen master walked without pause to the middle of the bridge, 
placed an arrow in his bow, then aimed at a tree on the far side of the precipice, 
and effortlessly hit the target.

“Now it is your turn”, he kindly told the young man, as he returned to firm ground.

Terrified as he gazed down at the chasm below his feet,

the young man apprehensively walked out to the same spot and fired.

His arrow, however, veered off widely and missed the mark.

When the young man returned to the edge, the master concluded,

“That is why the discipline of meditation was worthwhile.”

“You may have great technical skill in the instrument you choose for your livelihood, 
but it is useless skill if you cannot command the mind that uses it.”

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